Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Little Man Turned 1!!!

Okay so Jaxton actually turned one a couple of months ago.  These pictures have been a long time coming...but still I can't believe that I have a one year old!  Man how the time flies.  I just try to enjoy everyday of it because I know one day way too soon he is going to be all grown up.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jackson's Newborns

Remember the adorable baby girl named Julia who I took pictures of for her 6 month and 1 year photos?  Well she just became a big sister!  This is her cute little brother Jackson at two weeks old.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Valerie's Seniors

This is Valerie my niece.  She was so much fun to take pictures of because she is so incredibly photogenic.  Pretty much every single picture I took of her turned out just perfect.  I seriously think she could have a career as a model.  Just see for yourself!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Carleigh and McKenna's Senior Pictures

These two beautiful girls are sisters.  McKenna is a senior this year and Carleigh is starting her second year at college.  She never had her senior pictures taken, so Chelle, my sister-in-law, and I had the wonderful opportunity to take their pictures.

